About Copyright Trolling

#CopyrightTrolling falls under #phishing with images posted on the Internet, for example to amuse people, keeping the originals for future mass compensation claims all over the planet including France by betting with computer magic on the ignorance, the clumsiness and the negligence of people, more than the malevolence, including of the courts. This kind of thing is more of a "coup monté" by abuse than a scam.

This method, very stringed up and crafty, the widespread use of which has only just begun, would have been thought up in the years 2000 to 2010, shortly before the current craze for animated GIFs and Memes to which many people have become accustomed, whereas photos of animals and cats were taking off, even before the appearance of large social networks which have, so to speak, replaced the scattered discussion forums by offering software interfaces that are more beautiful, more advanced, more ergonomic, more efficient and more standardized that run on increasingly powerful server farms to support the number of connections and the amount of data.

  Compilation d'articles sur le Copyright Trolling

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Upload: 12 November 2022
Update: 15 November 2022
Last download: 14 November 2023
Total downloads: 269

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New business card 2022

New double-sided business card 2022 with images of:

  • Red clover saving my life from a birth in 1973 immunocompromised (requires immunoglobulins) and infected but strong in bones and organs.
  • Vulgar heather partially saving me from the villains who are wrong to want since 1984 to make me suffer and die prematurely since my early childhood for what they do and they don't do because they have the wrong target and means.

New double-sided business card 2022 with images of:

  • Red clover saving my life from a birth in 1973 immunocompromised and infected but strong in bones and organs.
  • Vulgar heather saving me from the villains who are wrong to want since 1984 to make me suffer and die prematurely since my early childhood for what they do and by what they don't do because they have the wrong target and means.

Deletion of the Stack Overflow account

After months of growing attacks via Stack Overflow by a small group of people using many anonymous accounts, some powerful up to moderators and thus administrators, despising me constantly, being insulted and hatred for my civil as well as my hebrew name, without knowing why, I decided to delete my account.

It was just recreative, except that. I have been coding for 37 years. I had fun for 2 years, learning a little instead of reading books, and helping others successfully. I had yet reached more than 9300 points and improved my English, despite interruptions and idiots. So much for that and too bad.

I lived 35 years without SO: I don't need SO and neither do SO need me. I mean before 2019, I never used this website, and I never clicked on any of its links, because I didn't need it ; but one day I signed up, telling myself that it might be nice to help colleagues. But a minority of regulars kidded me openly with the agreement of the supervisors ...

The bad and toxic reputation of this website is really founded and worse than that. They said it was not a "democracy". Indeed, this place, because of this small group, is more a matter of military and prison than of computing friendliness and professionalism. Many articles on this subject are available online, like for example:

The deletion of the account is effective within 24 hours and the total ban of this organization on my PC will be done after verification.

Nothing could be simpler to block websites on a computer:

Otherwise there are some firewalls and dedicated software.

People can be so stupid and so wicked.


New year 2021

That the medico-social and juridical-judicial organization of the health-help-justice system, which is currently unconstitutional and illegal, because it is privatized and trades in the protection of people's lives and properties, while it is a contractual prerogative of the Republic, and which leads the public territorial committees of the State and therefore the government and the administrations, finally agrees to respect the laws in force and therefore human life, by claiming its nationalization and therefore its officialization, for its own survival, for the survival of the population, for the survival of the nation, for the survival of nations, and for the survival of the specie, as required by logic and in particular by articles 9 to 11 of the Preamble of the French Constitution, article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article R4127-19 of the Public Health Code, in order to solve the problem of the public debt and to save the victims of the privatization and of the wicked. Instead of asserting that lying, abuse of power, withdrawal of fundamental rights, denial of justice, torture and murder are a legal righteousness well-founded not subject to appeal, neither prohibited nor punished by a code of law in force, for the exclusive benefit of this organization.


New year 2020

That the government of the state in France as well as the National Assembly and the Senate have the wisdom, the courage and the strength to reform in order to nationalize the medico-social and juridical-judicial organization of the health-help-justice system as required by the logic and in particular by articles 9 to 11 of the Preamble to the French Constitution, article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article R4127-19 of Public Health Code, in order to solve the problem of public debt and to save the victims of the privatization and of the villains.


Added PluralSight.com skills IQ

Upgrade of the website license

The license for this website has been upgraded to Creative Commons CC-BY-ND 4.0 International. The copyright notice has been updated in Legal information.

New version of the website

Update of the description of services:


Work in progress

The Ordisoftware™ project started in January 2004.